Ouija Answer Book Review

Look into the future! Have fun! I have already looked into the future and, without actually reading this book, I can bet anyone this book is not just a waste of time, but a waste of money! Let me give you a little idea as to what a typical page in this “book” consists of: “HELLO”. That’s one entire page! Wait, it gets better. Page 2: “A”. That’s it! The book devotes 784 pages which consist of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the words, “YES”, “NO”, “HELLO”, and “GOODBYE”, all of which can be found on an actual Ouija board. The concept is simple, ask a question, flip through the pages, and the “book” will give you your answer!
Paranormal Book Review: Ouija Answer Book
On a recent trip to a large (and famous bookstore, starts with a B & ends with an E), the thick paperback book caught my eye for two reasons: one, being that I am a fan of the paranormal, and two, the massive thickness of the book caught my attention. I opened the book and immediately was taken aback at the absurdness that someone in their “right” mind would have the audacity to publish such an atrocity and is testimony to what these corporate big-wigs think of the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the American people! It’s insulting!
So, I bought it.
No, no, I’m kidding. My curiosity did peak and decided to try its supposed mystical powers. So I asked it a question. Will I find a new job in the upcoming new year? I flipped through the pages and the book responded with an answer. According to the book, the answer is “H” – “X” – “C” – “GOODBYE” – “7” – “6” – “H”. Er ok, but what did I expect? Exactly what the “book” responded, gibberish!